Welcome to this site, which presents my favourite photographs.
I am an old amateur photographer (born in 1957) and I used to live in France, near Geneva close to the Swiss border, but now I am a permanent nomad ! (see section "road-trips" for further infomation).
I only started to use a "real" camera which my father lent to me, at the beginning of 2016. (I had previously used a simple smartphone for photography). I later acquired a Canon EOS5D MarkIV to be able to use all the lenses that my father bequeathed to me.
As an architect, I am particularly attracted by buildings or bridges with strong contrasts, colours and interesting details, but also like to focus on small objects such as a flower or a piece of electrical wire.
I would describe myself in three words : passionate, curious and eclectic !
Follow me on :
If you have any comments or criticisms (positive ones !), don't hesitate to send a message to my e-mail : echatelain36@yahoo.com or leave one on the special "Comments" page at the end of this site.
Many thanks for having visited my site.
Amicably yours,
- 27. Oct, 2022
Don't miss a video !
You will find here with the link the 5 last videos of my road-trip.
All the other ones can be seen on my Youtube channel (see link above) - 16. Sep, 2022
IPA 2022
Great news today : I received an honourable mention in the prestigious IPA 2022 (International Photography Award) competition, for my photo of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao! Follow the link to see it...
- 7. Sep, 2022
New publication !
Great news to share today : the publication of 42 pages of architectural photos in the latest issue of Editions Camerapixo magazine. Click on the link here above, or download the PDF file here below...
Camerapixo-PRESS-MAGAZINE-We-Inspire-210-spread (extract)
My latest architecture photos published in the magazine "We Inspire" N° 210 at Editions Camerapixo :-)
Latest comments
Merci JP pour ce commentaire fort sympathique ! Je suis très heureux de savoir que tu as apprécié mes petites chroniques vidéos en général, et celle-ci en particulier
. Amicalement. Rico
La balade à travers les brumes du pays Cathare est tout simplement magique
ç'est pas drone! C'est le combientième qui se crashe? Il va nous manquer...
ça drone à donf. Un moment de rêve bucoromantique. Très beau!